Thursday, April 3, 2008

Rania's Birthday


Rania turned two! Unfortunately much of the day was spent at the conference, but we returned for a little celebration for Rania's birthday. Somehow, knowing that this is the last time that Rania won't really "get" the whole birthday celebration made it a little less of an event.

And due to the busy-ness of our teacher's conference, Rania ended up with a brownie cake, instead of any elaborate designs. Plenty of room for that next year.

Before we departed for Rania's birthday dinner, Rania was very excited to get her new Barbie car, as a result of Juvy's kindness. Rania was excited to get that present -- we ended up saving the cool doll house we got second-hand for the next day -- to allow Rania to enjoy it more.

We made our way to a Mexican Restaurant for Rania's birthday. The great part was the sound-less cartoons (Tom & Jerry) that they have continually running in the background. It makes for a great distraction for the kids, allowing the adults to converse and enjoy the dinner. They were quite mesmerized while we were able to enjoy some chit-chat.

Unfortunately, the biggest memory was scrunching all 9 of us in our Jeep Cherokee and the horrible traffic on the way and on the way back. Reeve, Gabi, and Sarah had great fun sitting in the way back having a great time. Due to the rain, the traffic had ground to a halt -- so it was nearly an hour there and another hour back. It should have only taken about 10 minutes. So Tracy & Stacey mainly remember the loud protestations of their 2 year olds as we inched along. Let the terrific/terrible 2's begin in earnest.


N said...

good thing they don't require car seats in malaysia. and don't under estimate the power of a two year old............

Anonymous said...

Traffic stinks! Quite a bit of that here in the Beltway. Great idea to have Tom and Jerry cartoons in the background at the restaurant. They need something like that here. Although now that the kids are getting older it isn't as necessary.... Happy 2 years,Rania!

Katie said...

isn't it crazy that rania's 2?!?! i just realized cami will be 2 in just 2 mos! ahh!

hope you guys are good. it sounds like you guys had a great reunion with friends. i'm jealous. :)