Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Heights and Sunsets


Today, we spent the morning visiting the famous cable car in Langkawi (what? You haven't heard of it!?!). It was quite an adventure. After picking up our rental car, we were warned to fill it up with gas. But on the way to the closest gas station, we ran out of gas. . . meaning we had to find an old oil container to get some fuel (thanks to having two cars among all of us, our van was rescued and we didn't have to hike to the gas station), and cut open a water bottle to use as a funnel.

After this delay, it was off to the cable cars -- which we thought opened at 10, but really opened at noon. So we discovered a little petting zoo, and the kids enjoyed feeding rabbits and a little deer.

We finally made it up the cable cars -- to discover a significant portion of the Woodward household has quite a fear of heights -- as we zoomed up the mountain -- more than 1000 feet vertical gain to a commanding view of the island.

(Can you guess one of the members who didn't want to get close to the edge?)

Unfortunately our attempt at a family picture was FAR from the edge due to our previously mentioned fear of heights.

Tracy's expression pretty accurately sums up her confidence in the cable cars.

We came back for some great time playing around the pool (have to have at least one pool picture, right?)

Based on the wise recommendations of some fellow ISKL teachers we met at the cable cars, we decided not to go out to dinner, but instead snacked above the pool and had a magical evening with a tropical sunset. I'll have to let the (many) photos speak for themselves.

(In typical Doug fashion, I can't choose the best photo to stand alone -- you'll have to let me know which one is best. . .)

Of course after such a magical evening, we had to let the kids have an evening dip in the warm ocean waters.

Sadly, our time in the tropical paradise came to a close -- and it was back to our own sweet beds at home.

1 comment:

N said...

wow, the last one is the best. cuz of the cute little girl. and as for those heights, i'm suprised to see RD IV get so close to the edge... hmmmmm. GREAT pix!