Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jordan Reunion Expanded


To add to the Jordanian fun, we again had the Johnsens and the Fullertons over for dinner, and we were joined by the Lyle & Rita Moltzan and their two boys. In the six years since we had left Jordan (& 8 since Lyle & Rita) had left, it was great to catch up on how much our time in Jordan impacted our lives. I'm sure I'll forget something, but names were a big part -- Jordan Moltzan, Rania Woodward, and two other Jordan's as middle names.

Lyle and Rita had been a big part of welcoming Brent, Cheryl, and Doug to life in Amman, but left for Johannesburg the year that Tracy, Erik, and Stacey arrived in Jordan. Lyle & Rita are teaching in Sumatra, but Lyle will be the head of the school next year in Douala, Cameroon.

Now we had nine kids and plenty of adults -- again, it was so fun to see how well the kids got along. Ella and Rania continued their on-again/off-again friendship that has all of the rivalry of two year olds who don't want to share at one moment and are giving hugs the next moment. Stacey, Erik, Brent & Cheryl had even had a nine-year old bottle of wine they had saved from Lebanon to mark the reunion.

With the addition of the Moltzan's two boys, the girl imbalance that had Reeve and Maxim at a disadvantage was momentarily restored. The kids had a great time on the playground before coming in and watching a bit of Spirit -- Gabi's latest favorite movie. This allowed the adults a bit more time to catch up in an all too fleeting reunion.

1 comment:

N said...

ahhhhhhhh, nothing like a tv to unite the kiddies, eh? wow, that's great.. lots of peeps... looks like fun.