Friday, April 16, 2010

Maritime Museum

For our last hurray in Sydney, we enjoyed the Maritime museum. Since the main exhibit is free, it is definitely one of the highlights of Sydney for families.

Walking across Darling Harbor, Tracy had fun singing "Sound of Music" songs on the bridge. Fun memories with cool weather and a delightful view of the water and the ships.

The girls were especially excited about the special exhibit on mythological creatures. So unicorns, flying ponies and dragons were part of the fun!

Then we went on the submarine and the navy ship. Walking backwards into the submarine and seeing the tight quarters underwater, then getting to be captain of the navy ship: what an adventure.


Anonymous said...

Reeve looks like a cool captain! Grandma J

jennica said...

Oh, had I known y'all have visited here in Sydney I could've left the subs and come downtown and said hi :)