Wednesday, October 31, 2012


One of the great traditions in the KL community is the annual Halloween around Taman Tar.  It is so much fun, with the routes and houses marked on maps ahead of time and all the kids out and about.  For the first time in the last six years, we got quite a bit of rain that night - but still managed to get a massive haul of candy! This year, the route was a bit different, which was a nice improvement and less dodging of traffic from the KLers who wonder who the crazy dressed-up kids are.

The family portrait also includes a very strange visitor from a hand-made mask (well, his mom is an art teacher, so that hardly counts). 

Rania, dressed as a Diva / Pop Singer did her best imitation.

It was also interesting to see a lot more Halloween decorations and candy in the stores than I remember from several years ago.  I guess the commercialism of Halloween is making it even to KL!

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