Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Game Night @ Inskeeps


On Sunday evening we had a fun evening at the Inskeeps playing Settlers of Catan. Before the big showdown, we had fun swimming and getting Yellow Cab Pizza.

For the record, we ran out of time in the Settlers of Catan Game, so we had to set a time limit (on a school night to get the kids back). The moment the buzzer sounded, Brian was winning with 8 points. But in the few seconds after the buzzer sounded, in the subsequent building phase, his wife took away his longest road, putting herself and Doug in a two-way tie and Brian a point below.

While Brian claims to still be the ruler of Catan, the controversy surrounding this episode will surely live on in the annals of Catanian lore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girls weekend sounds like so much fun! We need to have one of those :). Carrie