Sunday, July 11, 2010

Quockert Lake & Backyards

At the end of June, we continued to have glorious summer days and fun times with cousins. The cousins went to the Quockert Lake, courtesy of Uncle Jason & Aunt Nicole. It was nice and cool and kids enjoyed playing the water.

Then we all gathered at the Sandlins, where the backyard served as a great place for throwing the football, for gobs and gobs of races as Rania and her cousins would run back and forth time after time -- probably at least 50 races. Most were standard sprints, but there were bear crawls, turtle races, hopping races, and lots more ways to get tired kids ready for a good night's sleep.

Of course, the time is limited when you can click pictures of bath time -- in fact most of our kids have outgrown that silliness, but the youngest continue to love the joy of little kids and bubble baths.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kaiden put Burt's Bees shampoo in the tub for bubbles without knowing what it was! Oh, what fun they had with little plastic toys! Grandma J