Saturday, July 24, 2010


After Iowa, we headed to Indianapolis, where we were able to spend some time with friends.

It, as always, was a huge blessing to stay with Amy & Doug and for our kids to get to play with their kids. It was also lots of fun to see the Vanests and their new baby. The time went way too fast, and much of it was spent working on our house, which we would desperately like to sell. A bit of landscaping, some cleaning, and some sorting of our things made for a busy day.

Unfortunately, we lost several hours due to a bit of an adventure when Rania stuck a bead up her nose instead of on the craft she was making. After a call to Dr. Gil, we realized a trip to the emergency room was necessary -- so several hours and $383 later, we were very grateful that all was clear. Once the doctor came in with the right tool, the bead was out within a few seconds. It might have been easier, except for the hole in the middle of the bead, which meant she couldn't blow it out her nose. Even Tracy's attempt at one nostril mouth-to-mouth couldn't get the bead out. But it is a good technique to have for any future beads in the nose.

It was good to have some time with good friends. And how fun to see our kids pick up with their friends so quickly and rapidly.

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