Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Elusive Bunny

Sometimes it feels like we are living in a different universe from our kids. This past week, Gabi went and saw a bunny in one of our neighbor's homes. Now Gabi is determined to have a bunny. She cries every night, 'I can't wait to get a bunny. I really can't wait.'

She's even decided that the bunny will be black & white, and that its name will be "Blackie/Whitie."

After many tearful pleas about wanting a bunny, Tracy told her that when she was 7 and saved up money, maybe she could get one if she took care of it.

So now she tells us how she has saved up so "many monies." Believe me, we are kept up to date on her financial portfolio. Today, Gabi announced she now has two more "monies" in her piggy bank -- to total 26 -- an odd assortment of different currencies. She thinks that when she gets 100 monies, then she'll get the bunny. Add that to 'I can't wait anymore. I want to be 7 right NOW!'

Neither money nor time seem to concepts that the 4 year old mind can grasp when it comes to wanting a bunny.

Oh my, for two pet-phobic parents, we'll see how long we can avoid the pet scene.

Last month's flavor (pet) of the month was a horse. A bunny has to be an improvement, right? Gabi insisted that she could keep a horse right outside and would feed it. There was plenty of room right next to our fence, she insisted. It was only after Grandma Ramona told her about zoning laws and needing to have permits to keep horses and ponies did she seem to drop the issue. Any bright advise, Grandma Ramona (or others) on dealing with the bunny fascination?


N said...

toooooooooooo funny. how about a unicorn? if she gets that, then my new year's prediction will be fulfilled and i will WIN. when Gabsters gets to be 7, tell her to stop there... it's no good getting older than 7, i say.

jeannette said...

Two pet-phobic parents here, too. But Nathan managed to wrangle a hamster out of us. Forrest just asked me last weekend, if I got the hamster for Nathan or for me as I am really enjoying the little guy. So watch out, you may like having a bunny around the house!


jeannette said...

Two pet-phobic parents here, too. But Nathan managed to wrangle a hamster out of us. Forrest just asked me last weekend, if I got the hamster for Nathan or for me as I am really enjoying the little guy. So watch out, you may like having a bunny around the house!
