Friday, June 5, 2015

Moving On

Shockingly, we will only have one of our children still in elementary school.  Gabi had her official, "Moving On" ceremony as she moves from elementary school to middle school.  It was a beautiful ceremony, as each student told a "snapshot memory," which was recorded.  Gabi's snapshot memory was her chicken bone dissection, complete with vivid imagery and great descriptions.   It was an impressive ceremony beyond the personal voices, also allowing for recognition and then the final song by the entire Class of 2022.

She was also recognized as one of the "lifers" who had been at ISKL since prep-junior.  What an incredible honor, and what an amazing elementary experience she had.

Afterwards, of course, there was time for photos, saying goodbye to friends, and getting ready for that magical time called. . .summer!  She had a truly amazing year with Ms. Fallis, and we are so incredibly appreciative of the incredible experiences our kids have had at ISKL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such nice pictures! Gabi you are growing up! Grandma Julie