Friday, March 22, 2013

Accreditation to Manila

It was quite the strange event in the history of the world when I got to participate on an accreditation trip with my mom.  She was a WASC representative and I was a CIS representative for a joint accreditation process for Brent Manila.  One week of the most intense and impressive professional development you can imagine and it was such a privilege to work with an awesome team of really, really skilled educators. 

Lots of work and plenty of laughs to go with the experience.  The smallest team meeting room I’ve seen on a trip was a minor challenge, as were the parties, weddings and celebrations in the open air facility just outside much of the hotel.

We definitely did not go hungry, with some of the best food that we could imagine.   It was a privilege to be invited into the Brent family for a few days. 


Anonymous said...

Did they pass? ??

Doug said...

That is a confidential decision that is made finally by the board of directors and reviewers of the accrediting agency.

I'm guessing you could visit their website to get the latest news of their accreditation process.