Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas only comes once a year - so indeed, it is a ridiculous number of pictures - but what a magical Norman Rockwell house that Carrie had decorated.  We had lots of fun!

A host of presents were passed out and the kids sure enjoyed getting lots of cool stuff, as well as giving hugs and giving thanks to aunts, uncles and grandparents.

 Gabi was thrilled to get some nice new horses - and an American Girl Doll from the money that Grandpa Levi sent her - so she had a great Christmas!

And plenty of cuteness to go around!

Rania had a haul of horses. 

Reeve got a bunch of Hex Bugs, which as pretty cool to see them go around their Hive. We got to see Gabi in a beautiful Christmas dress and was thrilled to dress up with Laura - in their brand new boots.  (Though Doug blew the focus on one of the glamour shots). 

 But the food, family, and wonderful Christmas spirit were definitely the highlights to a wonderful evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family! Grandma J