Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween - Malaysia Time

For those who did not know, Halloween fell in Malaysia on a Saturday evening - by decree of some wise organizers who knew that the kids might have a day to get rid of a touch of the sugar before school.  Indeed, it worked out perfectly for us!

It is a fabulous tradition in Kuala Lumpur that in an area where many teachers and school families live, they have a Halloween tradition.  We are graciously hosted each year by the Peters, which is a delight - and this year our kids were even old enough to stay for a bit of snacks afterwards.

You can see our three delightful kids.

Reeve was a flag football player, Rania was a fashion girl, and Gabi's costume was more evident. Daddy, on the other hand - was the biggest joke in the history of the world - which pretty much summarizes the Colts season!

 More than even in years past, it was quite a stash that the kids returned with - see Gabi's haul here!


Ron and Nancy said...

Somewhere I got confused! Here I thought it was Christmas, but notice on the blog that it must just be Halloween! MERRY CHRISTMAS anyway!
Love, Dad

Mark W. said...

Yes, you have posted this so late that the Colts may no longer be bad enough to draft Andrew Luck.