Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wedding Hike

True to their characters, James and Malia planned a post-wedding hike for all the guests.  How wonderful to be out in the middle of Colorado enjoying a delightful hike.  It was a great experience and a beautiful climb up to a natural arch. 

The view from the top was spectacular and we got back just in time to beat the rain.  But, wow!  Hiking in mountains sure does make one miss the beauty of the Pacific Northwest or the Rockies.  What beautiful scenery just outside of Boulder, Colorado.  It definitely has us hoping for a trip through the Rockies in two years -- a big family vacation of some sorts! 

When we weren't gasping for breath a mile up, we enjoying conversations with friends and catching up.  

Let's also note that Tracy was a bit more adventurous getting closer to the edge than her husband!

1 comment:

N said...

btw, Oregon has pretty awesome mountains too. FYI. happy birthday, Doug.. hope you got my text message, but I have never heard a response from any texts i have sent, so it could just be going off into ... well... into somewhere else.