Saturday, June 26, 2010

Reeve's Prayer

One of those wonderful moments in our family happened this past week. At church the previous week, communion was served. Reeve was sitting a few seats away (next to his cousin Jacob). I noticed that he took some of the bread, and as they were passing out the grape juice, Reeve came over and whispered, "Daddy, it's grape juice, not wine, can I have some?" I whispered back that communion means that we have asked Jesus in our heart and we could talk about it later.

The next day, Reeve and I had a simple conversation about communion and Reeve prayed to ask Jesus in his heart! What an answer to prayer and what a delightful moment in our family!

Praise the Lord.


Anonymous said...

Wow! How exciting! I am so happy for Reeve! Grandma Julie

Anonymous said...

June 2010 marks a new beginning for Reeve--Happy Birthday into God's Kingdom! WooHoo!

The Savchuks said...

The week of July 5th Harrison attended church sports camp and on July 7 asked Jesus to come into his heart. So Heaven was busy rejoicing this summer.
We now attend the Grace Community Church in Goshen.
Praise God Forevermore!
