Friday, April 3, 2009

A Rough Teachers' Conference

It is pretty hard to imagine a more picturesque setting for a professional conference than at the Sutera Harbour Hotels in Kota Kinabalu. While Doug and Tracy tried to go to some workshops and speakers -- while trading off child duty, the kids -- and usually one of us -- were able to play in the pool. One of the great benefits of the teachers' conference is catching up with old friends.

It was wonderful to re-unite with the Fullertons after a year, and the two girls were immediately best friends. A huge surprise came when Doug met Bethany Shull -- with whom he had survived student teaching at North Central High School way back in 1991. He hadn't seen Bethany since a Hong Kong visit in 1993. She and her husband and daughter are now loving life in Tokyo, and it was so fun to catch up, if ever briefly.

And my, oh, my, the sunsets. Wow!

1 comment:

N said...

Bethany???!!! WOW, I REMEMBER HER. TELL HER hi FOR ME. oh , but she probably doesn't remember me. but that's sooooo cool. looks like the daughter of the Fullertons got sunburnt.