Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christmas Tree & Rug Fun


It was a hot and humid day. . . and we put up our Christmas tree. The kids were lots of . . . . um . . .help?? But we were excited to get a tree from a family that was leaving -- so now we have some simple decorations on our tree. We'll have to bring back our decorations for next year -- somehow we neglected to ship those.

On Friday night, we had several friends over for a fun evening -- where a Pakistani guy came and showed us some of his rugs. So if we want to drop a few Gs on some gorgeous rugs, we had our opportunity.

Unfortunately, the real reason that had him come is that we've had some stray cats coming into our house (through the open grates) and marking their territory on our nicest rugs. Hence, time to get someone to clean our rugs. (Foolishly, we didn't get any pictures of the rug fun)

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