Friday, May 30, 2008

Kids on the Climbing Wall

SUNDAY, MAY 25, 2008

Since our church was having a joint service at a later time (than normal), and we knew that it would be difficult to fit both services in the old colonial building, we decided that we'd save our church visit for another week.

Another teacher from school had offered families to show up at school and do some climbing on the school's climbing wall. We weren't sure if Reeve would be up for it, since at the gymnastics program in Indianapois -- at Jireh Sports -- he had usually refused to climb.

But he was eager -- and made it all the way to the top of the wall. Gabi also greatly enjoyed climbing the wall and is begging to know when we can go again!

It was also fun to spend some time with a few other families from school that have little kids. The older kids were very helpful with Reeve and Gabi's first time on the climbing wall.

1 comment:

Andi and Sheba Eicher said...

wow! we used to dream about a wall like that growing up in Bombay!