Sunday, November 4, 2007

Friends from Afar

The past couple of weeks have had a couple of wonderful rendezvous with good friends from the past. This week, Connie Buford is in town for the EARCOS school conference. She is currently working with the State Department coordinating efforts to ensure excellent overseas educational opportunities for employees of the US government. Connie was Doug's first (real) boss after university, and Connie and her family moved to Kenya the same year that Doug's family moved (1988).

So it was wonderful to have her come to our home for dinner. Reeve showed Connie how his robot worked, Tracy cooked an amazing dinner, and we had a great time hearing about Connie's jaunts around much of Asia and Africa. As she is neighbors with Mark, Doug's brother, it was especially fun to see some pictures of cousins which she brought.

Last weekend, there was a sports conference at ISKL, where our varsity soccer teams competed against teams from Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, Jakarta, and Manila. In a totally amazing, shocking surprise, Erik Johnsen showed up in our classrooms -- bringing lots of hugs, great news, and certainly a few tears of joy. Erik and Stacey taught with us in Jordan, so it was so AMAZING to see Erik and hear his stories, as well as catch up on the past six years. They now have two kids, and we have three, so plenty has changed since we parted paths in Amman.

We have had a quiet week, but are looking forward to a 4 day weekend to celebrate Deepavali, an Indian holiday. The fact that Malaysia is so multi-cultural sure has its advantages in terms of holidays.

It has been fun to see our kids interacting -- a picture of Reeve and Rania illustrates a moment that could represent Reeve reading Rania a story, Reeve giving Gabi a hug and saying "it will be all right" or the three kids running around the house throwing balloons in the air. It was neat reading Sarah's (our good friend from Indianapolis) blog, and some of her comments resonate with our own experiences.

And I'll leave you with a shot of our budding photographer -- Reeve's efforts at photography. He isn't quite at Sarah or Elizabeth B's level of jaw-dropping pictures, but it will have to do.

1 comment:

N said...

but why does the big boy have his thumb in his mouth and not the baby? and i really like that last picture...... reevesters is qutie the photographer! must be from all that thumb sucking he does...