On this Thursday afternoon, we are excited to have an upcoming 4 day weekend to celebrate Hari Raya, the end of Ramadan (the month of fasting in Islam). After a long week, we'd like to include some end of the day snapshots of our kids.
Most significantly, you realize what a toll the long days of kindergarten (they call it prep-senior in the ISKL lingo) take on Reeve. Upon arriving home, Reeve was insisting that we should play soccer. In the time it took to get changed and get ready, Reeve had zonked out on the couch.
Gabi and Rania showed a bit more energy at the end of the day -- with Rania seeming bigger and bigger every day. Seeing her walk down the stairs instead of crawl and her increasing vocabulary and communication skills (she likes to nod yes or no when you ask her something -- usually no is what she chooses) demonstrate that we are quickly moving from the baby to the toddler stage with our youngest.
We continue to be very blessed by how great our transition to life in KL has been. Sure, we are quite tired at the end of days, and the end of weeks are great times to catch up on rest. But from the warmth of our colleagues, and the great blessing that Juvy (our amah -- housekeeper/nanny) has been, we are enjoying our transition to life in Kuala Lumpur.
We look forward to this upcoming weekend with a trip up into the hills -- where we will hopefully enjoy some cooler weather, and some good hiking. Hopefully we will have some pictures and details to tell upon our return.
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