Monday, September 10, 2007

Checking In

Hi Friends,
This is a quick attempt to post something to keep people coming to this site occasionally! Our computer crashed, unfortunately, so we haven't been online much at home, and have downloaded no pictures....except of Reeve's first day, which I promptly lost upon the laptop's crashing. Tears.

Life is great in Kuala Lumpur! Doug's dad just arrived Saturday evening, so we are happy to have him here. Reeve is enjoying school so much, our nanny is enjoying Gabi and Rania, and I am enjoying teaching! So I guess "enjoy" is the major theme of our time here so far.:) I assume Doug is enjoying his job, but he doesn't really talk much about it (sound familiar?) so I really am not particularly certain about that point. You can email him and ask...

We got our sofas delivered colored, and very HARD. They don't like soft furniture here, so that is interesting! We now have a TV in our bedroom and are watching the first season of 24 in the evenings after the kids are in bed. Bedtime is much earlier now that Reeve is not taking a nap. On the weekends we are still shopping for an oven, curtains, sofas, and other random things for our place; (when we aren't going to Reeve's birthday parties...four since school has started! I think we have a break now until November when there's another round....) But the parties are actually a good chance to get to know the other parents because people stay for parties; they don't drop off their kids.

The thunderstorms are great; it rains about every day. It is hot and humid but not as bad as I expected--the rain really cools things off. The people are nice, the food is great, and my kids keep me so busy that I don't get a chance to do all that much, but I am enjoying being able to come home at the end of the day and play with them, have a dinner (that I didn't prepare!) and play on the playground out back until bedtime. My life is so less stressful! That really is an answer to prayer.....

We love and miss everyone! I almost cry when I think about our Redeemer family and of course my family back at home. Please send us a note if you get a chance. We would LOVE to hear from you!


Katie said...

So good to see an update! I look every week hoping to see something new. Imagine how surprised I was today! :)

Good to hear everything is going well. We miss you too. It's really starting to hit me I think that you and Amy are gone. It's like I just realized you haven't been on vacation for a long time...

Wanna go out Thursday night? :)

pamela said...

Glad to hear that things are going well and I'm looking forward to hearing more when you get a chance!