Monday, July 31, 2023


 Our transit in Singapore wasn't too long - and that is a great airport to be waiting. 

Good to be closer to our arrival - and almost back home. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023


 We had a layover in Amsterdam waiting for our flight to SE Asia.  Tracy had splurged for lounge access. . .so we watched her head to that life of leisure.  Rania and I were not able to head into the city due to the delay on our arriving flight, so we found a place to chill before getting some food at the food court. 

We were grateful for some quite comfortable chairs in one lounge area. You can see Rania captured such a great sleeping pose!
We grabbed a bite to eat before heading to our next flight.

Philippines v Norway

 Reeve and Marilyn got tickets for the FIFA Women's World Cup.  Philippines v Norway - what an event!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Please Wait

 An apt phrase for our flight - with lots of waiting due to the delayed flight from DTW - AMS, we also had a bit of a delay in the entertainment system starting.  Alas, given the long layover in Amsterdam, it just means more waiting on one end rather than another (and it means more time in the airport and not enough time to visit a museum in the city). 


 We made our way to Detroit Metro Airport, and getting ready for the flight back.  Alas, the sun is literally setting on our summer vacation.  

Unfortunately, a very long 4-hour delay resulted in a much later departure for Amsterdam - meaning Rania and I will miss the chance to go into the city and use our tickets for the Rijksmuseum.

Pizza Goodbyes

 So nice to have Gabi here, who will be responsible for ensuring that the house gets wrapped up and is in good shape.  Meanwhile, we did our best with tidying and packing, so the three of us are off for Rania's senior year.  

So grateful for Jason and Nicole and family for hosting us for some delicious gluten-free (and gluten variety as well) pizzas before our departure. 

Cemetery Visit

 We made our way to the cemetery near the Maumee River, and got to visit Julie and Dick's gravestones before seeing some of the other ancestors who are in the cemetery. 

It was good to have Carrie there to help show the way and give historical background.


 Rania continues her practice of driving. Good to see how practice can help.  So proud of her!

Friday, July 28, 2023


Did some sorting of some items that probably no longer are need of being kept - like random HS award plaques (do plaques still exist?). A final picture before getting rid of those things that are taking up room.

Thursday, July 27, 2023


 The girls looking pretty cool with the sunglasses while shopping.

Oak Openings

 What a beautiful day to get to return to Oak Openings and enjoy the Fern and Lakes Trail. We sure enjoyed getting to spend some time together, chatting and enjoying a short hike around some beautiful nature. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Evening Sky

 Wow, what a sky and such an impressive sky in a cooler evening as we get ready for the final days in Ohio before returning to KL, school, and work. 


 Huge thanks to Aunt Carrie for her generosity and spending time with the girls for a brunch outing.  Yum. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


Doug and Rania got to go see Oppenheimer.  Indeed, not only super long, but also super impressive.  Quite the cinematic masterpiece that shows the power of storytelling.

Monday, July 24, 2023


 The last college tour (and interview) of the summer season. . .and maybe forever.  Denison has quite the picturesque location on the hill in Granville, Ohio.  Again, the photos are on Tracy's phone and appear to be lost.  We'll see if any pictures may be able to be resurrected.  One of the takeaways, given the limitation of only applying to ten schools, is how many of the quite selective schools are wise to apply to.  Putting Vasser, Haverford, Denison, Grinnell in a similar sort of basket may result in some prioritization as Rania decides what is best in the coming weeks and months. 

Did get a picture from Rania!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Reeve's Stuff

 We know have all of the aspects of Reeve's room, including his chair and things for his desktop in Carrie and Scot's basement. 

Thanksgiving in July

Pretty grateful for Carrie and Scot getting some pretty impressive food together - with some help from others - as we enjoyed some delicious food with the often Thanksgiving in July festivities.



 Pictures from around Reeve's school in Auckland. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023


 We get into the excitement of the summer with a visit to Fallen Timbers and getting to see Barbie.  Wow, what a great movie that more than lives up the hype. We didn't quite have a large collection of barbie pink, but did try to do our best with variations, with some help with fashion wizards. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

Brunch with Laura

Gabi and Rania went with Laura for brunch in Perrysburg.  Looks like an amazing time together.


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Dayton University and Miami, Ohio

 We had tours at University of Dayton and Miami, Ohio - both pretty impressive campus situations.  The tour guide at Miami, Ohio was from SE Asia (Philippines?) and was really animated - though did tell the funny story of mixing up Miami, Florida with Miami, Ohio.  Both sure seem to have some impressive aspects of their campuses - and good to see some different options. 

Somehow, we can't find any pictures of our day.  I think that is because Tracy and I swapped phones so I could use her data for the drive with Waze. . .and then didn't get the pictures off her phone before it was stolen.  Bummer, though Rania did pass on some pictures. 

These top two pictures are of Dayton University.

 This is a picture from Miami, Ohio.



Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Auckland Arrival

 Reeve has been in New Zealand for a while, so good to get some pictures of him with Marilyn - and the beautiful (and colder!) weather. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Cedar Point

Gabi and Rania went to Cedar Point and had an absolutely fabulous time.  Some of the pre-ordered tickets were pretty good deals - with one of them getting the all-day meal plan as a mid-week promotion.  Seemed to work pretty well - and big smiles from their day of riding roller coasters.