Friday, May 26, 2023


 Getting ready for school - and the view of the campus as we enter. 

Saturday, May 20, 2023


 Gabi is having a great time with Emi and her family.


 Some spectacular pictures.  First, Rania and her friends got together for a photo shoot before prom.  Then lots of fun was had by all at prom.

Getting Ready for Prom

 Wow! Rania sure looks stunning. . .mom and dad not so much. . . as she gets ready for Prom.  Congratulations and so proud of an amazing young woman. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Collab Project - IB Drama

 Here is Rania's Collaboration Project from the end of year 1 IB Drama.  So proud of her and her accomplishments. 

Here is the youtube version: 

Here is the Google Drive version, which may disappear once permissions change:

Here is the embedded video. 

Cleaning Tents

 Post Malaysia Week, the challenge (and the joy) of jungle survivor wrap-up is getting all the tents cleaned up.  As we didn't have a bit of rain the entire week, it was, hopefully, a pretty smooth process.  Repairing and marking the tents that have damaged poles is the biggest challenge. 

Monday, May 15, 2023


 Gabi is pretty happy to be done with her semester, and enjoying some time with Emi. 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Freeze Daddy's

 What?!?  Emi and Gabi at Freeze Daddy's.  Wow!

Around the House

 Sometimes, it is good to just capture things that we take for granted - and forget about, like what Tracy has on top of her dresser. . .and memories and things associated with them. 

5 Guys

 Eating the delicious burgers and shakes at 5 Guys is always an incredible highlight. What a treat. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Towers at Night

 After the delicious dinner, we went on the poolside deck and took a few spectacular pictures of the nearby towers. 

Dinner at W

 Thanks to the generosity of the ISKL Teaching and Learning Office, we enjoyed an incredible Chinese meal at the W Hotel.  Yum! 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Smiles all Around

 As the school year wraps up at Notre Dame, it is all smiles for Gabi and friends. 

Stay in the Raft!

I found a way to share to blogger and get this hilarious video embedded.

Reminder: Stay in the raft! 

White Water Rafting Videos

 Here are some videos from our spectacular day of white water rafting for Malaysia Week at Sungai Slim.

Here is the second video, where I should have stayed in the raft (and is embedded subsequently),

Fun times!

Whitewater Rafting!

 The final day is absolutely spectacular, as we go whitewater rafting.  This time, we went to Sungai Slim, as the water level below our campsite was too low for quality rafting.  It was a wonderful trip, though the low water level had quite a few over-rights and over-lefts - and some stunning photos from our rafting provider.  Wow!

Toward the end, after the final rapid, we tried to flip the boat. . .to no avail.
Some great views down the river.

Sure enough, on the first rapid, I fell in!  It was pretty awkward, as the student in front of me went over, and I followed right behind.  GREAT camera work!

This picture is moments before I'm about to go over, you can see Yori, in front of me, already heading into the water.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Waterfall Relaxation

 The day after the climb is always so spectacular.  We spend a lot of time hanging out in the river, heading just a few 100m upstream from our campsite to a wonderful waterfall site.  It is super fun. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Gunung Kutu

 We did make it to the top, everyone from the group, andhere are some group pictures with the guides and the group, before the guides went back.  So proud of such a great group! 

Monday, May 8, 2023

Test Climb

 We had a test climb as a chance to see how everyone was doing, test out footwear and get kids ready for the big climb the next day.  Some slower people in the back with me - and lots of success and what a great group! 

This is us at checkpoint 1. 


Sunday, May 7, 2023

Malaysia Week

 Doug is off to Malaysia Week, again to Gunung Kutu, after the break from covid-related interruptions.  The Jungle Survivor site is a pretty spectacular place to be!

With this site, I spend a lot of time chilling in the river, watching the kids - as well as a lot of time preparing food and getting ready to eat.  So magical to be with amazing kids and re-connected with nature!

Friday, May 5, 2023

Youth Soccer

 Rania and Carmen were hired to help out with coaching and leading a soccer event for a youth birthday party.  What a fun day - and, judging by all the smiles in the group, it was quite a smashing success!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Glorious Day in South Bend

 What a stunning picture from Gabi on a glorious day. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Singapore and CC

 I was privileged to get to work with Ochan Powell and Brendan Breen as I continue my growth and work in Cognitive Coaching.  The Days 5-8 seminar at Singapore American School included a wonderful cohort, and I'm so appreciative to getting to continue to learn and grow. 

This is a view from the hotel.