Sunday, February 26, 2023



Gabi, with her friends, out for dinner on Sunday.  Glad that the semester is going well - and nice to see some bright smiles!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Night at Mandarin Oriental

 With part of our membership for the year, we got a night on the club level at the Mandarin Oriental.  What a fun chance for a stay-cation. 

It was quite a wonderful experience, getting to have the 'happy hour' event as part of our time there. 


Thursday, February 23, 2023

After the Show!

 Here are some pictures, including with us and Rania after the show. 


 After the show, the performers got to give thanks to Ms. Palko, Mrs. Casey, and all the incredible support that went into such a powerful show.

Drama Show Photos

 What an amazing performance by the drama IASAS team.  So powerful, and plenty of tears in the audience.  Sure shows the power of the arts to change lives.  So proud of Rania and all the performers. 

Drama Performance!

 Here are some of Rania's pictures related to her dance show, including the marketing picture for drama and the drama cast after the show.  What a powerful, tear-jerker of a show!  Impressive!

Dance Show Photos

 Here are some of the dance show photos that were so spectacular. Wow, what a powerful performance around Elapse and the theme of time.  We're excited to host IASAS CulCon at ISKL this year!

Dance Performance!

 The Dance and Drama performance was pretty spectacular!  So, so proud of Rania and her accomplishments.  It is quite an honor to be in both dance and drama.  Here are some of our pictures of the dance show. 

This is the picture of Rania for the drama advertisements.

Rania, after the show with some of her friends.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

More Rania Publication Photos

 Here are some more photos from Rania's photo shoot, from when they took each ndividual dancers. 

Dress Rehearsal

 The internal shows for dance and drama are coming up - so this is a picture from Rania's dress rehearsal.  What an amazing group!

Saturday, February 18, 2023


Rania's dance and drama show is getting closer and closer . . .so lots of time in rehearsal.  This is a cool shot she took of the projector in the theatre. 

Getting excited!

Friday, February 17, 2023

More Dance Team Photos

 Wow! Some stunning pictures . . .from the green screen version.