It is so fun to watch your kids grow up, though the fun is certainly full of a twinge of regret as you realize they will never again be this age. Ever.
With the youngest one, it is especially meaningful.
Just today we were watching little videos from a year ago. It is crazy how much they have grown up. Last month, Rania finally got potty trained!! HORRAY! HORRAY! HORRAY!
Almost seven years of diapers is now a thing of the past. We are absolutely ecstatic! She is still in pull-ups during the night -- after one accident, but most mornings even her pull-up is dry.
Rania's vocabulary continues to expand and explode. She loves playing horses -- I'm sure that is some of her older sister's influence; and Rania is an absolute puzzle fanatic. She can sit by herself for long periods of times putting together puzzles. She also likes looking through books or playing with her toys -- mostly animals. She enjoys playing cards with daddy or mommy -- "Go Fish" is one favorite, but other matching games are lots of fun -- like "Duck, Duck, Bruce" a fun card game from Auntie Tasha.
This past weekend, the kids watched Bambi 2 -- on DVD. Talk about Bambi 2 has been the dominant conversation in our family! All three kids love laughing and giggling about the funny parts of Bambi 2.
Check out the video to see what is so funny!
Rania's eating habits are quite finicky. Due to rashes that have appeared on her skin, we are cutting out dairy in the hopes of clearing up her rashes. Getting her to eat vegetables can be a challenge, and we are fighting a never-ending battle to get her to stay in her chair during dinner. Now that cheese is out of the diet, snacks are slightly more of a challenge, but it appears to be working.
What an adorable two year old who is getting ready for her next birthday in a couple of weeks.