Friday, March 29, 2013

Inskeep Reunion!

Doug had ambitious plans of diving with Brian and Brenda and getting a dive in.  Given the traffic in Bali and the challenges of getting to the South or the East coast to find a decent dive site, we stayed in Seminyak and tried our hand at surfing.

Let’s just say that a) It was great to see the Inskeeps and b) Doug is no surfer!  While Brian and Brenda had good luck getting up and balancing on the board, Doug just couldn’t quite get the balance right and spent many times tumbling in the waves.  Some sore knees, elbows and even a mysterious hint of a black eye were results of being tossed and turned in the surf with one fall after another.  My surf instructor, Oman, did not have much luck with this student. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im no good at surfing either. Must be genetics