Monday, June 29, 2009

Candy Cane City - a Horse Paradise

On Sunday, Tracy and Marta took Gabi and Rania to visit some special citizens of Chevy Chase, Maryland - the horses at Meadowbrook Stables. The horses were out of the stables, and made fast friends with the girls, following them around the paddocks and angling for a pat, or some grass (which Gabi considerately pulled and fed them until a stable worker put an end to that).

(Specifically, Gabi kept pulling more and more grass up for all of the horses in the whole pen. She was running around the pen feeding them until the stable worker yelled at her, saying "Don't feed the horses girls" (rania too). Then a minute later Gabi was feeding them again, and she yelled "I said, don't feed them!' Gabi: "Oh, I forgot." ( yeah right). So the stable worker said "Well, don't forget." It was pretty funny. The stable worker later told us that it makes the horses more aggressive, that's why you can't feed them. But it was fun while it lasted! Marta had gone to get the car, so this is an inserted detail by Tracy.) Fun times.


Ron and Nancy said...

You know, those girls really do seem to like horses, don't they? - rw

Anonymous said...

boy, I love those girs so much! They are great film makers especally when they are with me (laura). I can't wait to see them in the summer of 2011. Gabi and I are planning to make a movie called Wolfstone. the consept is that it is like supose to be secret school or something. the Wolfstone school color's will be red and blue or orange and purple. Well i love talking to you so bye love you, laura $andlin