Sunday, April 20, 2008

Reeve's Birthday Party (Bowling)


Reeve had a wonderful birthday party with a few friends from his class, and a few friends from our neighborhood. We had a great time, and Reeve ended up with the highest score (131), aided by the bumpers that prevent gutter balls.

His pair of strikes and a few spares were exciting events. Gabi also got her first ever strike, so she was very excited! Several of Reeve's friends had never been bowling before; Gabi has already declared that her birthday party will be held at the bowling alley.

Tracy magically made a wonderful space shuttle cake, complete with six candles behind to ignite the liquid fuel booster rockets.

After the fun time bowling, we ate cake and snacks at the bowling alley and then came home where Reeve opened his gifts from his friends. A big hit was the water guns he received -- by the end of the evening, he and Gabi were quite soaked as they ran around the playground, targeted by their friends. Reeve was, not surprisingly, quite excited to enjoy a new influx of toys.

1 comment:

N said...

what? guns? what kind of Quakers are yoU?

congrats to gabseters for getting a strike! wow.