Tracy wasn't feeling super, and the kids were happy to stay home and watch movies (the Wizard of Oz can be quite a hit!), so Doug, not wanting to waste a day in Paris, spent the afternoon on the town. With the ease of the subway system, it was great to get to several places.
Basilica of St. Denis is one of the amazing churches of the world. Despite being Christmas Eve, the church was basically deserted, and it was stunning to see the huge cathedral, famed as the first medieval Gothic architecture ever, the awe-inspiring stained glass, and the huge facade. What an inspiring site.
A quick stop at the Arc de Triumphe ensured that I wouldn't miss that on our trip to Paris; we were unsure if we would make it as part of Christmas, especially if the family wasn't feeling the best.

The way back allowed me to walk by the Modern Art Museum, where there were street performers, Christmas music, and a HUGE Coca-cola van passing out free Cokes, complete with the fake snow. Paris can certainly be a magical city, even when it is a bit on the chilly side.