Saturday, December 3, 2011

Scottish Dancing

Gabi's after school activity of Scottish Dancing culminated with their performance at the a ball in Kuala Lumpur.  They were one of the opening acts for the St. Andrew's Society (no relation to our church!). 

We took Gabi and Henry over for the rehearsal, which was at the Marriott on the other side of town.   Then Henry's parents took them for the evening performance.  

In the afternoon, Rania found a new friend - and they had fun playing in the lobby overlooking the city while Gabi and her team went through the rehearsal in the ballroom. 

That evening, we heard rave reviews of the performance! And wow, did the pictures show that Gabi sure looked the part too!

The kids were beaming after such a bit performance! 


Anonymous said...

How adorable! Grandma J

N said...

hmmmmmm was Henry the only boy??