Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Christmas Pageant: From Sweet Angels to Wandering Sheep

Despite the craziness and trauma of the previous day, we made it to the Christmas Pageant at our church. We had missed the previous day's rehearsal, so weren't sure what roles our kids might have. So here is a progression of the pageant, a fitting metaphor of our sinful nature.

Gabi and Rania first wanted to be angels.

Then Rania said, "Me, angry." The angry angels then wanted to be non-participants.

By the time that the angels were appearing to shepherds, Gabi agreed to be a sheep -- but would only wear the hat, not the itchy shirt with cotton balls. And this was only after the encouragement of our amazing Sunday School teacher.

Once Rania saw that her sister was surviving as a sheep, she decided to be a sheep. . . for a while. It was a rough job for the shepherds, because in addition to hearing the proclamation from the angels, one sheep kept wandering all around the stage -- and back to mommy in the pews -- and then back to the stage.

By the end, the sheep were part of the Nativity scene, with one sheep (Gabi) especially interested in the baby Jesus (doll) in the crib.

My, oh my.

We are so grateful to be celebrating the Incarnation during this season. We are also anxious and curious when our lives will be "more normal" when we can return to our house. It's a fitting reminder of how fortunate we truly are.

1 comment:

CarolynV said...

Love it! Glad there are Christmas pageants all over. I went to a kooky one in Doha. Merry Christmas! CDV