Sure, we hiked through tropical rainforests, navigated one lane roads at the edge of cliffs, rode horses, played golf, explored lush waterfalls in the heart of the jungle, sipped tea in a colonial English setting, and traveled out of KL for the first time. We even warded off leeches. But perhaps the best part of our trip was just getting to wear jeans!

Indeed, on Friday morning, we made our way out of KL and then started winding our way up mountains to the Hill Station of Bukit Frasier (Frasier's Hill). After leaving the Klang Valley, where KL is located, we turned off on an extremely windy road and made our way up into the clouds. We witnessed the engineering challenge because there is a one way road up one side of the mountain (11 km) and another one way road down (4 km). All around the small area that makes up the picturesque town, there are many one way roads where we quickly learned that you have to honk before you round each corner.
We arrived at our sufficent accomodations and quickly enjoyed the cool weather that greeted us. Most of us put on long sleeve shirts and jeans -- probably for the first time since our July arrival. Seeing Rania in her sleeper for the night was an especially jarring sight.
Over the course of the three days and two nights, Reeve played his first nine holes of golf. The course wasn't in the best of shape, as the wild boars had taken to digging up much of the fairways and some of the greens. But Reeve walked the whole course and we greatly some of the scenic sights while losing a bunch of balls.

Fraiser's Hill is also known for some of its hiking trails, and we chose the easier ones, and Reeve and Gabi were great hiking, while Rania enjoyed being in the backpack. At one point the trail had been washed out by a landslide, so we scaled ropes that had been put up to get up, down, and around the affected area.

Gabi greatly enjoyed getting to ride a REAL horsey, and Rania was so insistent on getting to ride the horse, that she propelled her way into the willing arms of some random Slovakian woman, who happily took Rania around the loop on horse.

We also enjoyed afternoon tea at Ye Olde Smokehouse -- a colonial structure that is now a small hotel and restaurant that sits on the edge of the hill. Gabi quickly became a tea fanatic after discovering the taste-changing power of sugar and cream! Her aunt Carrie would have loved such an exotic location where you could just image British chaps hanging out over a century ago.
Now we are back home, enjoying our own beds, but Reeve has declared that Frasier's Hill is the BEST vacation ever. Whether his opinion is due to the novelty of sleeping on the floor in a HOTEL or just due to a 5 year old's limited memory remains to be seen.
We all know that sugar and cream does miracles, right? Smart girl.
You gotta love those curvy climbs and steep descents. I remember many of those. How did the kids do with that. I think we would have been hearing alot of grief about that drive.
The kids were pretty good, though Gabi complained that her tummy hurt a time or two. It's hard to tell if she is serious or not. And indeed, the road did remind me a bit of trails around the Andes. The East side of the Andes was eerily similar to the lush Malaysian rainforest. I'm sure you would be quite at home in many parts of Malaysia -- similarities to parts of Ecuador (minus the towering mountains and insane elevation gains, of course).
jeans - we're finally getting to wear them too! isn't it great?! :)
loving that you are posting more consistently lately. it's so great to see the kids' pictures. don't forget some of you too!!! we miss your faces also.
dreaming everyday of someone who wants to cook for me...
so glad to see the updates and hear of your amazing adventures. oh, toby is now able to find malysia on the map...and loves to say, "that is where the petronas towers are..." thanks for sharing all this with us! miss you all
Thanks for posting -- it is SO EXCITING to see comments from dear friends. If any of you have Skype (or iChat or Yahoo Messenger or something -- we just prefer Skype) e-mail us your user names. We'd love to chat and let Reeve webcam with his friends.
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