Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Danish National Performance Troupe

 Wow!  The Danish National Performance Troupe is traveling around the world, and we were fortunate enough to have the spend the morning with our middle school students.  In addition to their jaw-dropping performance, we also got to participate with them, as the athletes led and choreographed a routine for each of the four houses - Kuda, Kerbau, Tupai and Orangutan.  Such incredible memories!

Link to Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiacbfHt0CU&ab_channel=TheInternationalSchoolofKualaLumpur

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Game Day v Pitt


Gabi and her friends enjoying the dominant 58-7 Irish victory v. Pittsburgh.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Movie Night

 We enjoyed the Gold Class treatment to see Killers of the Flower Moon. Given the length of the movie - and that it is October break, we thought we could enjoy some time seeing a movie that is getting a fair bit of Oscar buzz.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Sunset for the Ages

 We've generally eaten all our breakfasts and lunches at the seaside restaurant as part of where we're staying before going into town for something different in the evening.  For our last night, we thought we'd stay by the water - as the food is certainly plenty good. 

We were treated to a sunset for the ages.  Wow!  Such a beautiful tapestry of the majesty of our Creator.

As the sun set, the colors seemed to keep getting more and more stunning.

A New Suit

 Thanks, in part, to mom's generosity for my birthday, I got a new suit.  Too often, I've had to borrow a black suit, so good to have something that I can use and fits me so well.  I also got five new shirts, and should be set for a new update to my attire.

Here it is before a few final, minor alterations to get the fit just right. 



The morning breakfasts are always such a highlight.  Hard to beat the view!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Sun and Sand

 Our third day in Khao Lak was much like the others - so beautiful and so relaxing. 

Enjoying some delicious food in town.

Sunday, October 22, 2023


 More pictures from Reeve (and their friends) as they travel around New Zealand during this weekend. 

Oct Break Day 2

 A tough day lounging by the beach and by the pool before walking the few 100 into town for a change of pace and a different food option (gluten-free pizza!). We were even greeted by a rainbow. 

They were doing a bit of maintenance work, backing up some sand that had eroded from behind the beach barrier.

Saturday, October 21, 2023


 Reeve and Marilyn  - and their friends - rented a car and went for a nice weekend farther away in a volcanic area of New Zealand.  Some impressive sights during their hike. 

Khao Lak Arrival

 What an amazing opportunity to arrive at Khao Lak for the start of October break.  It is one of our favorite places - quite easy to get there from KL, and it is also a place we've come back to several times.

We have very little on the agenda - some reading by the beach, lots of good Thai food, some massages, and a visit to a tailor for Doug.

Friday, October 20, 2023


 Just another typical October day at Notre Dame. Nothing to see. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Season 1 Awards

 To celebrate the end of a season, the ISKL soccer team was part of the Season 1 Awards ceremony. 

Such an amazing team and what a group!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Oct Senior Treats

Pretty impressive senior treats for the Halloween October theme.

Some pretty fortunate seniors.