With summer coming to an end, it was a pretty amazing evening.
While we'll miss the beautiful skies and cooler evening weather, we'll especially miss family and friends.
The Wanderings of Doug, Tracy, Reeve, Gabi and Rania Woodward
With summer coming to an end, it was a pretty amazing evening.
Such a beautiful spot by their pond.
We didn't have the full crew, with people heading back in time for work - and we caught a couple of photos from the tranditional photo spot upon our departure from a wonderful day.
After a fabulous few days in the Wallowas, Eagle Cap Wilderness and doing the Bear Creek circuit, we took some time to get cleaned up before the drive home.
Our first stop in town had a free covid test - and sure enough, Mark tested positive. Ridiculously impressive how he managed to do the whole trip while not feeling well.
It was a long, though gradually descending trip out. We were certainly making great time by this point in the trip.
There were a fair number of downed logs farther up the trail - which meant we didn't run into an pack animals or horses until much later in the day.We made the long, long downhill to Middle Bear Camp, coming off the ridge and into the valley. It was an amazing day.