We met some wonderful friends at Chiang Dao Nest and the kids had a blast playing with them. They go to school in Beijing and were kind enough to let us join them on a "nature trail" that was much more of a jungle trek with very, very steep inclines and steep drops. Rania, in her sandals was sliding all over the place without any grip.
But it was quite fun, as the boys were the explorers, trying to find the trail. The girls had a great time, too, and we did finally make it to the caves via the "long route." We decided the short walk on the road would be better when we returned!
Once we made it to the cave, we went on the very elaborate tour that went throughout the cave, including seeing the incredible formations.

And in a classic English mis-translation, we found this sign -- which must be dedicated to my sister -- who enjoys such hilarious signs and has a fine collection herself!