Sunday, January 25, 2009

Reeve the SuperHero

After seeing Bolt - 3D, Reeve wondered how the characters could have lightning between their hands, and if it was "real."

So, with some help from some editing software, we will demonstrate Electric Reeve -- the new superhero (or villain?).

Reeve even added the sound effects himself (with the help of his own voice!).

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Instead of freezing in the North American winter, it is fun to pull out the kiddie pool and let the kids cool off.

How great to watch our kids thoroughly enjoy themselves as they play together in the pool and with each other. (Now, if only it was like that every moment!)

Adjusting to Reality


While it is nice to have warm weather, it is a shock trying to get the kids up in the morning and get ready for school.

This photo, when we are supposed to be getting in the car and heading to school tells it all.

Siblings and Cousins


Ah, the fun of cousins and siblings.

While an obvious highlight of our time in Toledo was getting to spend time with all the cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents, we were especially blessed how much we got to see Jason and Nicole and their kids. Time and time and again, they would drive across town so we could spend time with them -- and Jason would frequently stop over after a long day of work.
(That's why Jason is #1, and Tracy is #2)

And Rania and Kaiden sure had a blast re-creating their running through the house antics.

And Reeve and Gabi sure had a great time with Laura, Jacob, and Michael.

Fun Events in Toledo


This year the bitter cold scared us away from visiting the zoo lights, but we still had some fun events. An adult only dinner was a real treat -- great conversation and amazing food at the Bluewater Grill. We also made the trip to Jason's TCS Alumni Basketball game, though the kids had more fun running through the halls than watching Uncle Jason.

Christmas Day


On Christmas afternoon, we had another wonderful meal, and many of Barrie's family came over. The kids had a blast playing, and it was fun playing some games and having a good time. Gabi (and all our kids) were sure in love with the Sandlins. Every time the cousins or Aunt Carrie or Uncle Perry would walk in the door, there was a big cheer from our kids.

Christmas Morning


Christmas morning came and Santa had arrived so the stockings were full and presents were overflowing for the kids. Kids were just getting over jetlag, so the 3 am mornings had morphed into 5 am mornings -- and the kids anxiously awaited enough adults to wake up so they could open their presents. And my oh my, there were lots of presents!

Christmas Eve


We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. Kids got some presents, and all had amazing food. The kids did a gift exchange -- so it wasn't too crazy. And Gabi got the horse set that she had been coveting since the summer.

This year will probably be most remembered for the Christmas Play where Jacob (playing Joseph) says, "And here is my wife Mary (whack -- as he slaps her back)." Michael had his funny accents, and Jason had to go rescue a school that flooded.

Family Fun

One of the more hilarious experiences from our time over the holidays was watching Rania try to blow out a candle. She insisted that no one help her, but she wasn't even blowing in the direction of the candle -- and had plenty of distractions -- like eating popcorn. . . and pushing her brother away. We sure had a big laugh watching her!

But it was lots of fun to spend time with family! Our kids had fabulous times with cousins -- whether Rania playing with Kaiden or Reeve with Jacob or Gabi with Laura -- it seemed like some days our kids would just be playing nonstop with their cousins.

Winter Weather

It was COLD!

Catching up on the Blog -- (Brrrr!)

Well, January is nearly turning into February, and it is time to catch up on our blog.

When we arrived in Toledo on December 20, we were so excited to see a blanket of snow. But the frigid wind chills made it a bit of a challenge. Reeve and Gabi were SO anxious to go outside -- but after a few moments in the below 0 wind chill, they decided they had enough.

The next day, though, grandpa Barrie cleaned out some of the snow from the ice, and our tropical kiddos had fun slipping and sliding on that funny surface called "ice."

Rania, on the other hand, is our little tropical baby. She wanted to go outside. . .but HATES having things "TOO TIGHT." So, she wanted to go outside with sandals and her diaper. HA! We realized that she really hasn't worn shoes (let alone hats, mittens, gloves, etc) since before she turned 1. So after 1 1/2 years in the tropics, plus a summer state-side, she was not liking the constrictions of being bundled up.

So it was a battle whenever Rania had to go out -- so she stayed inside for most of our time.