We had a wonderful time with a large (19) group of ISKL teachers and families at Doug's parents. Doug's dad provided the turkey, and many people pitched in for an amazing meal.

We were incredibly impressed what it was like to have adult conversation. Instead of just talking about work, or being worried about kids, there were so many rich conversations about places to visit, life on the farm, memorable moments, stories from the Great Depression (from parents & grandparents, of course!), the Philippine Diaspora, Kenyan Politics, and so much more. Wow!

Much of the great conversation was because the kids were happily occupied -- largely thanks to their friendship with Rex!
It was also so fun to watch our kids interact with other adults. Rania was quite the magnet -- getting our Superintendent, Paul Chmelik to throw her up in the air a bunch of times. Somehow Paul also got roped into playing Sorry with three kids six and under. He said he was winning -- which may or may not explain why the game disintegrated from limited attention spans.
Rania also managed to rope Jane Niwa into feeding her ice cream.

What a great afternoon of amazing food and fun conversation.